Messaging Service · Australian Call Centre · 24/7


Need Phone Support 24/7

Answering Adelaide are here to help you.


Answering Adelaide is a Call Centre service provider that provides businesses throughout Adelaide and Australia with Messaging Services, Virtual Receptionist and Secretarial services.

Our Australian Call Centre can meet your business need for an Answering Service, Messaging and Virtual office. Never miss a customer sales enquiry, customer service or support request.


Our Contact centre becomes your Inbound call centre from an Australian based call centre.


A Phone service with Phone answering and After hours service is more important for your business now that customers are looking to connect with business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With Answering Adelaide’s Live Telephone Answering we provide 24/7 Phone answering and Live Phone answering.

Phone coverage is provided by Answering Adelaide using a unique phone number allocated to your business. Call answering and Receptionist services are available.

Answering Adelaide is a Medically accredited call centre so we can handle your medical business requirements seamlessly and professionally.

Contact Answering Adelaide

Call Us: +61 8 8366 0622
Our office hours are 24/7


Answering Adelaide is a 24/7 call centre and phone services provider operating 365 days a year. We service customers AUSTRALIA WIDE including South Australia, Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, ACT, Northern Territory and Tasmania. All capital cities including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Hobart and Darwin plus regional towns and centres.


Llama Blue

We are a full service digital partner to our customers. This means we can help your business with website hosting, web design, domain name registration and hosting, business grade email, professional online stores, electronic marketing like MailChimp and a lot more. Llamablue is in the business of designing and hosting websites for small and medium-sized businesses. We’ve been around since 2009 and now have customers all over Australia and around the world.